Sunday 15th April 2012
Unlike other types of fire extinguishers, CO2 extinguishers feature a discharge horn as opposed to a hose. When a standard CO2 extinguisher horn is installed, it is fitted semi-tight, so that it can be swivelled but still holds itself in the chosen position. This is because during operation, the CO2 extinguishing agent causes a standard CO2 horn to frost over. If the horn is held during this time, it can potentially injure the user through freeze burn. An even better solution to this problem is to buy CO2 extinguishers with frost-free horns. These can safely be touched when fighting the fire, giving the user a lot more control when deploying the extinguisher. All Safelincs 2kg CO2 extinguishers have frost-free horns as standard.
Although the standard swivel horn is a popular choice and an economical solution, it does not have the necessary characteristics to protect the user from freeze burn injuries. The frost free horn is double lined and therefore has the insulation to eliminate these risks should the user accidentally hold on to the fire extinguisher horn during discharge.
5kg CO2 fire extinguishers are much larger in size and the discharge component for this is a hose and horn assembly. This does not have a frost free-horn, however, the horn features an integrated handle for safe use during operation.
Should you wish to upgrade the horns on any 2kg CO2 extinguisher to the frost free double lined horns these can be found in the tools and spares section of the website.