Do Landlords Have to Provide Fire Extinguishers in HMOs

More than half of UK housefires start in the kitchen

HMO’s (‘homes of multiple occupancy’) are rented properties with shared communal spaces, like kitchens and bathrooms, where the tenants lease independently. A common example of this is student housing, while HMOs are often habituated by recent graduates, and other young people. Shared communal spaces often have neglected responsibility for safety and general housekeeping, meaning that the risk of fires in HMOs is raised.

The Responsible Person for the building has a duty to maintain and promote fire safety in rental properties. This includes installing the right fire detection systems, educating tenants on fire safety, and maintaining fire doors. In the event of a fire, domestic firefighting equipment can be a lifeline for tenants.

Should landlords provide fire extinguishers in HMOs?

At least one suitable fire extinguisher must be provided in every kitchen of a large HMO (more than 5 tenants). Water Mist extinguishers are ideal for this, as they can be used on solid and liquid combustible fires, as well as small cooking fires. This covers most home fire risks. The landlord, or Responsible Person for the property must ensure that all extinguishers are well maintained. They must also be serviced annually (if applicable), and replaced if used or damaged.

Fire extinguishers can be used to aid a tenant in safe escape from a building. They may also be used to tackle small flames before they become out of control.

In private rentals, landlords are not obliged to provide fire extinguishers, although it is recommended.

Should landlords provide fire blankets in HMOs?

Fire blanket should be fitted in a kitchen in HMOs
Fire blankets can prevent small pan fires from spreading out of control

Landlords must provide one fire blanket per kitchen in every HMO, no matter how many tenants are resident. These should be hung on a wall away from the likely source of fire (cooker), regularly checked, and replaced if used or damaged. Fire blankets provide a simple and effective solution to frying pan fires, which cannot be extinguished with water. Accidents in the kitchen which cause fires can be devastating if allowed to spread.

The provision of fire blankets in private rentals is not mandated. However, more than half of all UK house fires start in the kitchen. Installing a fire blanket protects both the tenant and the property from fire.

Are tenants expected to fight fires?

Tenants cannot be expected to put themselves at risk to fight a fire. By providing fire fighting equipment, such as extinguishers and fire blankets, the tenant is provided with the option to tackle a small fire before it spreads, and only if it is safe to do so.

When a new tenant moves in, they should be provided with guidance about what to do in a fire. This includes instruction on how to use fire-fighting equipment if it has been installed, but only to attempt this if it is safe. More importantly, tenants should be told how to raise the alarm in the event of a fire, and how to safely evacuate the building. This is particularly important in flats and HMOs.

Misuse of fire extinguishers in HMOs

Educating tenants on the correct use of the extinguishers installed in HMOs is essential; getting this wrong can be fatal. Where more than one type of fire extinguisher is installed to cover different fire risks, there is a risk of the wrong type being used. This can be incredibly dangerous, not only because the extinguisher will not work, but because it could make the fire worse, and spread the flames. The only way to avoid this is to install one type of extinguisher. However, this extinguisher must be suitable for all present fire risks. A Water Mist extinguisher is therefore a good example of a versatile extinguisher that provides good all round coverage for most common risks.

There is also, of course, a risk of vandalism to and with fire extinguishers in HMOs. This could involve damage to the extinguisher, or unnecessary deployment of the extinguisher. The best way to avoid this is educating residents on the importance of extinguishers for fighting fires. This is particularly important as if there are repeated incidents of vandalism, the risk assessment may find the risk of this to outweigh the risk of fire. In this case, extinguishers would need to be removed, meaning that they would not be available in a fire.

Installing Water Mist extinguishers overcomes some of the dangers associated with accidental or unnecessary deployment. These units contain only deionised water, which is non-toxic, and will not cause damage to furniture or property.

How can landlords prevent the spread of fires?

Fire doors in HMOs
Fire doors slow the spread of smoke and flames

Fire fighting is a last resort in stopping the spread of fires. Tenants and the properties they live in must be primarily protected by preventative measures. This includes:

  • Maintenance of fire doors – use our free fire door inspection checklist to monitor the condition of fire doors in HMOs. From January 2023, in buildings over 11m in height, flat entrance door must be checked annually, while doors in and entering onto communal spaces must be checked quarterly. This includes checking door closers for vandalism – appropriate action must be taken where these have been deactivated due to tenants with mobility issues struggling with heavy fire doors.
  • Fire detection systems – Every HMO must have a suitable fire detection system, which is maintained and tested regularly.
  • Educating tenants – when they move in, tenants should be given guidance about good house keeping in relation to fire safety. They should also be advised on how to respond to a fire, including how to raise the alarm and evacuate.
  • Fire suppression systems – in some buildings, such as blocks of flats, suppression systems like sprinklers may be appropriate. Sprinklers reduce the damage caused by fire, and to allow tenants time to escape.
  • Fire-fighting equipment – fire blankets must be installed in the kitchens of all HMOs, and tenants should be advised on how and when to use them. Similarly, where fire extinguishers are installed, tenants should be given guidance on when they might attempt to use them, and which type of extinguisher to use.

Are tenants liable for fires?

There are over 30,000 house fires in the UK every year. These accidents are often devastating for the residents, who may lose all of their belongings. Landlords’ building insurance is therefore essential for the protection of their property from fire.

Tenants cannot be held accountable for failing to fight a fire that breaks out in their home. However, they may be liable for causing the fire if the subsequent investigation finds them to have been at fault. Tenants should therefore invest in contents insurance, including fire damage caused by accidents, faulty appliances, electrical issues.

It is Responsible Person’s duty to ensure that fire, and the damage they cause, are prevented in their property. This can be done primarily through education of tenants. Further to this, the maintenance of fire doors, fire detection systems, fire blankets, and fire suppression systems reduce the damage caused by fires. In large HMOs, or if the risk assessment deems it appropriate, install extinguishers for the control of small fires, or to assist tenants in safe escape from the building.

Everything you need to know about cooking oil fires

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), cooking equipment is the leading cause of house fires, with unattended cooking being the primary culprit. Cooking oil fires, in particular, pose a unique challenge due to the intensity and rapid spread of the flames.

Cooking oil fires are difficult to extinguish if you don’t have the right equipment at hand. The powerful jet of some fire extinguishers could spread the oil fire. Using water to extinguisher oil fires can cause the fire to erupt violently. Therefore, it is important to have the correct equipment to tackle kitchen fires

Tackling Cooking Oil Fires at Home

How to put out a Cooking Oil Fire

Pan fires can be tackled with fire blankets and fire extinguishers. A water mist fire extinguisher is versatile, and therefore can tackle all types of kitchen fire including fires involving electrical equipment up to 1000 volts. A fire blanket is a good option for most domestic kitchens, as generally smaller amounts of oil are used. A fire blanket is placed over the pan fire to smother it and starve the fire from oxygen.

For larger deep fat fryers in your home, we would recommend a wet chemical fire extinguisher which holds a 25F rating. The wet chemical extinguisher is made specifically for tackling larger quantities of oil on fire.

Where to put a Kitchen Fire Extinguisher

In the case of cooking oil fires, having a fire extinguisher within easy reach can be a lifesaver. Mount the extinguisher in a visible and easily accessible location, away from the stove but still within close proximity to the cooking area. We recommend placing your fire extinguisher near the kitchen exit, ensuring a quick and unobstructed path to safety. Avoid placing it too close to potential fire hazards, such as curtains or wooden cabinets.

Tackling Cooking Oil Fires at Work

If you work in a commercial kitchen with deep fat fryers, a wet chemical kitchen fire extinguisher is usually recommended. Wet chemical fire extinguishers are specifically designed to put out cooking oil fires and therefore should be kept in kitchens for commercial use. The wet chemical fire extinguisher forms a foam blanket on top of the oil which stops the supply of oxygen, therefore extinguishing the fire. Fire blankets are also a useful addition in a commercial kitchen as they can be used on pan fires, cooking oil fires, waste basket fires and also clothing fires.

What to do in a Kitchen Fire

  • Stay calm
  • Turn off the heat source (if possible)
  • If the fire is not too big, use your fire extinguisher or fire blanket to try and extinguish the fire 
  • Call emergency services
  • Move anything else that could catch fire away from the burning oil if you can
  • Make sure children and pets do not come near the fire
A man cooking starts a cooking fire.

How can Cooking Oil Fires be Prevented?

To avoid cooking oil fires, never leave cooking unattended and pay attention to cooking pans and deep fat fryers at all times, especially when cooking with oil. Keep the area clean from grease buildup, as accumulated grease can be a potential fuel source for fires. In the event of a small grease fire, never use water to extinguish it. Instead, cover the pan with a fire blanket or use a fire extinguisher for kitchen fires. By adopting these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of cooking oil fires and enhance the overall safety of your kitchen.

For further advice on fire prevention in your home, complete the Home Fire Safety Check. Get personalised tips and a fire safety action plan to help you and your family to stay safe.

Pancake Day Safety Tips

What is pancake day?

Pancake day, or Shrove Tuesday, is a Christian traditional feast that takes place just before Lent. Across the world every Shrove Tuesday, thousands of people cook and eat pancakes. Pancakes are easy to make, and many children will get involved in cooking them.

Cooking pancakes is fun for the whole family, but there can be safety risks, especially if children are helping in the kitchen. If your frying pan caught fire, would you and your children know what to do?

Can pancakes catch fire?

Yes, pancakes, and more importantly the oil in which they are cooked, can catch fire. It is all too easy to get distracted lathering your pancake in your favourite topping. It doesn’t take much for a pan with oil to overheat and to burst into flames, so take care when cooking with oil.

Top Pancake Day Safety Tips

Before you get started

Ensure that you have an in-date fire blanket on hand, and that everyone in your home knows how to use it.

Fire blankets are suitable for use on Class F fires (cooking oils and fats), and should be a safety feature of every kitchen.

You will see the instructions clearly printed on the front of most fire blankets, and tutorial videos are available online. You can find more information in our fire blanket help guide.

Before pancake day, we recommend that you go through the evacuation plan for your house before cooking, to ensure that everyone knows to get out of danger quickly and safely.

You can also keep your family safe by ensuring that enough smoke and heat alarms are fitted and working in your property. Why not sign up for Safelincs’ Alarm Test Reminder Service to keep your family safe all year round?

How to extinguish a pancake on fire

Make sure everyone who will be cooking knows what to do if a pancake catches fire:

  • Stay calm and turn off any heat sources if you can
  • If the flames are still just in the pan, cover the fire with a metal lid or a fire blanket
  • If you cannot safely extinguish the fire yourself, evacuate the building and call the fire brigade immediately.

NEVER attempt to extinguish an oil fire with water, as this can cause explosions. This YouTube Video is a useful resource to share with your family.

While you are cooking

Ensure that a responsible person is supervising the cooking of the pancakes at all times.

Pancakes are simple to make and lots of little ones like to get involved on Shrove Tuesday, but parents and guardians should be mindful of the dangers in the kitchen. As with all cooking, open flames and hot pans pose burn risks. It’s a good idea to always have a fully stocked burns kit on hand in the kitchen in case accidents happen.

Turn off the heat in between ‘rounds’, when the pan is not being used.

Don’t leave the hob burning or pancakes cooking unattended

When excitement levels are high, it can be easy to forget normal safety habits. You would never leave the hob on while eating dinner – make sure it is off while you are eating your pancakes, even if you are planning to go back and make more.

Check your cooking area is clean and clear to prevent anything from catching fire.

Messy counters can be a fire risk

Keeping a clear workspace when cooking can be hard, especially with small children around. Even if you can’t keep on top of the floury counters and sticky fingers this pancake day, ensure that the area around the hob stays clear. If you put oven mitts and tea towels down next to the cooking area, this can pose a huge fire risk.

For more top home safety tips, try the home fire safety check. This free tool will help you to identify fire safety hazards in your home and offers clear tips and advice for how to improve safety for your household!

Easy Pancake Recipe

We recommend BBC Good Food’s Easy Pancake recipe for all aspiring chefs!

Enjoy pancake day and stay safe! 🥞

Foam vs Powder Extinguishers

Both foam and powder extinguishers are commonly found in workplaces and public spaces across the UK, but which is best? Both types of extinguisher are suitable for use on most common fire risks, making them versatile, and a popular choice. Selecting the best fire-fighting solution for your organisation can be difficult and will depend on the type of environment and risks that exist.

foam vs powder fire extinguishers
Powder extinguishers are best suited to outdoor areas

Powder Fire Extinguishers

As the name suggests, powder extinguishers contain a dust like powder, which when discharged, forms a thin layer on top of the burning fuel. This layer absorbs heat and deprives the fire of oxygen, which prevents the continuation of the chemical process of combustion.

foam vs powder fire extinguishers
Powder fire extinguishers are available in a range of sizes

Pros of Powder Extinguishers

Cons of Powder Extinguishers

  • No class F rating
  • Messy and costly to clean up after discharge
  • Should only be discharged outdoors
  • Discharge can aggravate respiratory and digestive systems
  • Can reduce visibility when discharged

Foam Fire Extinguishers

Due to the harmful PFAS chemicals that AFFF Foam contains, the manufacture of AFFF foam fire extinguishers is expected to be banned before the end of 2026. Safelincs have already discontinued the sale of AFFF Foam and water additive extinguishers, and some manufacturers have developed a range of more environmentally friendly alternatives.

Britannia Fire has launched two eco-foam P50 Service-Free Fire Extinguishers: A-Foam and B-Foam. Like AFFF Foam, the medium in these units works by covering the fire, and forming a seal that cuts off the oxygen supply, and has a cooling effect.

foam vs powder fire extinguishers

Pros of Foam Extinguishers

Cons of Foam Extinguishers

  • No class C rating

Water Mist Fire Extinguishers – an Alternative to Powder and Foam

Water mist fire extinguishers are 100% environmentally friendly, as they contain only de-ionised water. Upon discharge, water mists therefore release no harmful substances, and leave no messy residue to clean up. The water they contain is de-ionised, and so does not conduct electricity. This means that they are also safe for use on live electrical equipment, making them an ideal replacement for the AFFF foam extinguishers.

An alternative solution to foam or powder fire extinguisher

Foam vs Powder Extinguishers – Which Extinguisher Should I Choose?

In premises where the fire risk assessment has identified only Class A and/or Class B risks plus fires involving electrical equipment, there are several types of fire extinguisher which may be suitable:

Ultimately, the type of extinguisher that needs to be installed on a premises will be determined by the risks identified by the fire risk assessment. Where there is overlap, and more than one type of extinguisher would be suitable, it is up to the responsible person to ensure that they have selected the most effective and appropriate fire-fighting solution for their organisation or property.

Powder extinguishers are often best for outdoor environments where there is a mixed fire risk. Water mist or eco-foam extinguishers are ideal for indoor spaces with common fire risks.

If you are still unsure which type of extinguisher to install on your premises, why not book an extinguisher survey with one of our qualified engineers. We also offer free site surveys for service-free P50 fire extinguishers.

What is BAFE certification?

Safelincs prides itself on holding the BAFE accreditation for the maintenance of portable fire extinguishers, providing a visible way for our customers to recognise the professional competence of our nationwide team of BAFE-registered fire extinguisher servicing engineers. Here we look at some FAQs about the BAFE  certification.

What is BAFE certification?

BAFE certification is awarded to companies by an independent third-party certificated registration body for fire safety organisations across the UK.

The BAFE accreditation logo enables customers to identify the professional competence of the company they have commissioned. This provides peace of mind that all service work undertaken by companies like Safelincs is done to the same standard anywhere in the country.

Why is BAFE important?

BAFE provides the ability to assess and certify companies against fire safety quality standards and industry best practice. Independent evidence is gathered to support any certification process ensuring compliance and competency by fire safety providers.

Why should I use a BAFE-registered organisation?

Choosing fire protection from a BAFE-certified company ensures that the services and products conform to recognised standards. This provides peace of mind about quality and compliance.

Safelincs offer a range of extinguishers, installation, maintenance, and commissioning of fire extinguishers without tying companies into a long-term service agreement. To discuss your extinguisher maintenance needs, contact Safelincs on 0800 612 4827 or visit

Safelincs BAFE registration number: 1216

Angie Dewick-Eisele


Angie Dewick-Eisele is co-founder of Safelincs Ltd, one of the leading fire safety providers in the UK. Angie was Marketing Manager for many years and as Director is these days responsible for Content Management.

Can fire extinguishers be stored outside?

With the British winter and its variable weather conditions, it is important to make sure your fire safety equipment is protected from the elements. Fire extinguishers can be stored outside but only if they are well protected. British standards on fire safety state that fire extinguishers should be properly maintained and protected from vandalism, damage and weather conditions. A fire extinguisher is only useful if it is maintained and ready when a fire breaks out.

fire extinguisher cabinet outside
Steel fire extinguishers should be protected from adverse weather conditions when stored outside

Can fire extinguishers be stored outside?

Yes, fire extinguishers can be stored outside. However, it is important to protect your outdoor extinguishers so that they are always ready to be used in an emergency. Legislation states that all fire safety equipment that could be damaged by rain and frost should be suitably protected. 

Fire extinguishers should always be easily accessible. In many locations such as holiday parks, petrol stations, farms or depots it is therefore necessary to store extinguishers outside. Fire points should be set up in an accessible location and should be clearly marked with fire safety signage.

What is the best outdoor fire extinguisher storage solution?

To find the best outdoor storage solution to protect your fire extinguishers you will need to look at the location for the extinguishers and also the level of protection required against:

  • Weather
  • Theft, misuse or vandalism
  • Accidental damage

Protection against the weather: Weatherproof extinguisher cabinets and boxes feature waterproof seals, making them completely water tight. UV resistant cabinets remain strong and durable when exposed to sunlight for long periods, maintaining optimum protection for the extinguishers stored inside.

Protection against theft, misuse or vandalism: Fire extinguisher theft deterrents include alarms that sound when the fire extinguisher pin is pulled and alarmed wall brackets that sound when the extinguisher is removed. Extinguisher cabinets or boxes with built-in alarms are also available. The alarm sounds when the cabinet is opened. Some of these devices, such as the Wireless Fire Extinguisher Theft Stopper, can be monitored remotely so that an alert is received when the alarm is activated.

Lockable outdoor storage cabinets provide added protection. The key is stored on the front of the cabinet and can only be accessed by breaking the glass.

Protection against accidental damage: Many fire extinguisher cabinets, like the UltraFire Double Extinguisher Cabinet are made from impact resistant polypropylene. This makes them highly durable. This type of shatter-proof cabinet is ideal for environments like construction sites or an HGV exterior where accidental damage is more likely.

Extinguisher Cabinet on HGV
The shatter-proof UltraFire Single Extinguisher Cabinet is ideal for HGVs

What is the best outdoor fire extinguisher?

Weatherproof extinguishers

The best type of fire extinguishers for your site will be determined by your fire risk assessment and will depend upon the type of activities and fire risks found on or near your site. Here are some options that are suitable for outside locations:

If you are looking for an extinguisher that can withstand harsh weather conditions the P50 Service-free Extinguishers are a great option. They are highly durable and completely weatherproof with a UV resistant outer shell and corrosion free construction. These extinguishers can be stored in the harshest outside environment without additional protection from the elements. Foam P50s can be purchased with added anti-freeze for extra protection down to -5⁰. Always check the lowest operating temperature of your fire extinguisher to ensure that your extinguisher will be at the ready even when temperatures go below 0⁰ degrees.

P50 foam extinguisher in the sun
The P50 Foam Extinguisher is UV protected and weatherproof, ideal for outdoor use

Traditional steel extinguishers

Traditional steel fire extinguishers need to be protected from the weather otherwise they will be at risk of corrosion. A weatherproof fire extinguisher cabinet is ideal for this purpose. Tested to IP59K, the outdoor extinguisher cabinets from UltraFire will protect fire extinguishers from dust, UV rays and rain. They even protect extinguishers from high-pressure water jets. This makes these cabinets ideal for fixing to the outside of vehicles.

When protected from the risk of corrosion, ABC powder extinguishers can be used in temperatures down to -20⁰C. Powder extinguishers are also best suited to outdoor use and are versatile in tackling a variety of fire risks. Water extinguishers are at risk of freezing in really harsh conditions. It is recommended that anti-freeze is added to water extinguishers that are stored outside without insulation. If this is something that you require, please speak to our servicing team on 0800 612 4827 or email

Frequently Asked Questions

What temperature should fire extinguishers be stored at?

Foam and Water extinguishers are at risk of freezing or spoiling if the temperature drops below 0⁰C. For safe outdoor storage, these extinguishers should have anti-freeze added to ensure that they are ready for action in an emergency. ABC Powder extinguishers can operate normally to a temperature of -20⁰C.

Can you leave a fire extinguisher outside?

Traditional steel fire extinguishers can be left outside if they are in a weatherproof cabinet or box. P50 Service-Free Fire Extinguishers can be left outside without extra protection from the weather. This is because they are completely weatherproof and do not corrode. In addition, vandalism and theft should also be taken into consideration. A fire equipment storage box or cabinet with an alarm can protect extinguishers from misuse or damage.

Mel Saunders

Head of Marketing

Mel joined Safelincs in 2020 and leads the content and marketing team.

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Working towards a greener and more sustainable future

solar panels on the office roof generate 80% of our total energy usage
1000sqm solar panels have been installed on our warehouse roof

At Safelincs, sustainability is one of our core brand values which we take very seriously. The global challenge of reducing carbon emissions is huge, but we believe that every company and individual can make a difference. That is why, at Safelincs, we aim to work towards a greener and more sustainable future by making progress on issues such as recyclable packaging, renewable energy supply, sustainable transport and waste reduction. We also encourage our staff to engage with smaller changes such as protecting our own green spaces and providing our staff with palm oil-free chocolate and fair trade coffee.

Renewable energy

Our site is powered by 100% renewable electricity and we have made use of our large warehouse roofs to install 1000sqm of solar panels which provides 60% of our total electricity usage. New dynamic heating thermostats in each office space allows staff to better regulate the temperature in their environment instead of opening doors and windows. We have just replaced our gas boilers with the latest condensing technology and invested in LED lighting throughout the site and low energy computers which helps us to reduce energy consumption.

We are excited to have recently added our first fully electric car – a Tesla 3 – to our fleet of company vehicles. The Tesla will be mainly powered from an onsite charging point during peaktime of solar PV production, making it a genuine environmental option. We hope to increase our number of electric vehicles, eventually working towards a completely ‘green’ fleet.

Our new Tesla-3, a fully electric company car
Tesla-3 – our first fully electric company car

Partnering to reduce plastic packaging

We feel strongly about reducing plastic packaging and have been working hard with suppliers to ensure that, where possible, plastic is eliminated. We encourage our partners to supply us with products packaged using cardboard. We have also largely eliminated the use of plastic packaging materials and are using almost exclusively cardboard for all packaging. Our padding materials are produced inhouse by two specialist shredding/wrinkling machines that use the cardboard received into the company.

Our packaging boxes are made from recycled card
Recycled card packing boxes in our warehouse

Waste reduction

Our staff understand the importance of recycling and re-using across our business. Any new starter is introduced to our waste management systems including our multiple recycling bins and our process regarding re-usable batteries. We aim to educate and inform employees in any environmental issues that may affect their work. For example, we work with a member of the team in charge of office supplies to ensure that any stationary items ordered only contain recycled paper. Safelincs challenges its team members to find new ways in which we can collectively work towards a more sustainable future.

Safelincs also contribute to Valpak’s WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) Distributer Take-Back Scheme. Our monetary contribution helps local authorities across the UK to increase the rate of collection, re-use and recycling of electrical equipment.

Innovation in product development

We are mindful that within the fire safety industry there are environmental challenges and are always on the look out for alternatives. For example, we promote long-lasting products such as the range of P50 fire extinguishers which only need re-filling every ten years rather than the standard 5 years. They also have an impressive 20-year lifespan and are also service-free, saving engineer travel year after year.

Our range of Water Mist Fire Extinguishers is something that we are proud of. These extinguishers are totally environmentally friendly containing 100% de-ionised water which is delivered in microscopic droplets to extinguish flames. These extinguishers are very versatile and can even be used on electrical fires. They are fully recyclable and contain no chemicals meaning that they are non-toxic to humans or wildlife. They also leave no mess or residue to clean up after use.

Every little helps!

Fair trade coffee, tea and chocolate and locally sourced fruit for the office staff.
Fair trade Staff Room supplies!

As well as working towards a sustainable future with our bigger initiatives, we also work with our staff to make smaller, more environmental changes in many areas. Our staff room is always stocked with free fruit, sourced from our local greengrocer, fair trade coffee, plastic-free tea bags and palm oil free chocolate. No one goes hungry! But, by encouraging these practices in the workplace, we hope that by leading by example, our employees will adopt some of these little environmental wins at home.

Safelincs are lucky to have green space on our site and recently staff braved the rain to plant wildflower seed which we hope will encourage bees and other insects to visit in the warmer months. Very soon, we plan to plant trees on our site to further create a natural area to be enjoyed by staff and nature!

Making the most of our green space - creating a wildflower garden
Creating a wildflower garden on site

Sustainability vs profitability

Environmental alternatives often require an upfront investment. But in the longer term this can be much more cost effective. The cost saving benefits of solar panels, LED lighting and electric cars for example will be substantial in the long run and is an investment that we think is well worth making. We are dramatically reducing our environmental footprint by introducing these measures and the long term cost savings are an added benefit.

As we move towards becoming a carbon neutral company, Safelincs strives to integrate environmental considerations into all aspects of decision making and activity. We appreciate the importance of sustainability and hope to inspire our staff and local community to join us in championing a more environmental way of operating.

Mel Saunders

Head of Marketing

Mel joined Safelincs in 2020 and leads the content and marketing team.

Latest Posts by Mel Saunders

Maintained or Non-Maintained Emergency Lighting?7th June 2024
Reasonable Adjustments in Schools14th March 2024
Why is my smoke alarm beeping?13th December 2023

Free fire extinguishers for customer

free-replacementsSafelincs supplies Handelsbanken,  a leading Swedish Bank with over 700 branches in 24 countries, 147 branches of which are in the UK, with fire safety products such as fire extinguishers.  Purchasing fire extinguishers from Safelincs gives Handelsbanken full protection. Should the extinguishers ever be used, Safelincs will immediately replace the extinguishers. So, when on the 21st of October a CO2 fire extinguisher was used by the fire brigade in one of the Handelsbanken branches, Safelincs immediately replaced the extinguisher, free of charge.

We want our customers to use their fire fighting equipment without ever having to worry about the aftermath. This applies not only to extinguishers – all fire safety equipment bought from us used on or affected by fire is covered by our free replacement guarantee.

Extinguisher run over by van – still pressurised!

We were always convinced that our P50 service free extinguishers made from a Kevlar-type aramid were almost in-destructable. Nevertheless, when one of our engineers was visiting one of our customers, a refinery on the east coast, he was surprised when he was handed a fire extinguisher that had been run over by a van and that it was still fully pressurised!


This is not that surprising when you know that 1 in 500 of these extinguishers are tested by pressurising them 12,000 times from zero bar to 25 bar. And after they have undergone this harsh test, they are crushed flat by a steel blade before being re-inflated without being allowed to leak at 55 bar!

The P50 service free extinguisher is suitable for the harshest of environments, including outdoors.

P50 Popular at FM Show at NEC

The P50 service free extinguisher turned more than a few heads on the Safelincs stand at the recent Facilities Show at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham.

Facilities managers who attend the annual event are always looking for innovative ways to cut costs and provide better service for their clients. They didn’t take much persuading to see the benefits and potential savings offered by the P50.


Traditional extinguishers require servicing each year but P50s are constructed using a composite material that will not rust or corrode. This protects the contents and no discharge testing or refills are required for ten years. The expensive annual service by an external engineer is no longer necessary– just a straightforward yearly test that can easily be carried out by an organisation’s in-house staff.

After ten years the P50s can be refilled and used for a further ten years.

Safelincs’ managing director, Harry Dewick-Eisele was at the show and had the opportunity to speak to many facilities managers. “Those with responsibility for large estates could see savings running into thousands of pounds,” he said. “A good number were going back to their offices to weigh up how quickly they could replace their existing appliances and start cutting costs.”