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Fire Alarm Panels, Conventional, Addressable & Wireless Systems

These are required in non-domestic buildings (shops, offices, warehouses etc.) fire alarm systems can also be used in other locations, for example, shared areas of apartment blocks and HMOs. A fire risk assessment would highlight which type of fire detection and warning is required in your premises.

We offer a range of conventional, addressable, wireless, infrared, and ultraviolet fire detectors. Plus, we provide nationwide coverage for fire alarm servicing and maintenance, including out of hours emergency attendance.

Fire Alarm Accessories

Resetting the Apollo XP95 Manual Call Point (00:29)

A short video demonstrating how to reset the Apollo XP95 manual call point after activation.

Resetting the KAC Sav-Wire Surface Mounted Indoor Manual... (00:23)

A short video demonstrating how to reset the KAC Sav-Wire Surface Mounted Indoor Manual Call Point after activation.

Our Official YouTube Channel

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