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Fire Door Inspection & Installation Services

Fire doors are a critical aspect of fire safety in any building, being part of the structure’s compartmentation to contain fires within areas of the building and slow the spread of fire and smoke so that escape routes remain safe for as long as possible. Under The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, the responsible person of a company must ensure that fire doors are installed and maintained as necessary to keep them fit for purpose at all times.

Safelincs offer fire door inspections, measuring and installation services to help ensure that your premises has suitable fire doors which meet current standards and regulations, through every stage of the process. Our qualified surveyors and engineers can inspect existing fire doors, as well as measure, specify, and install new fire doors and frames with all essential hardware – purchased through our fire door configurator, or directly from us.

Fire Door Inspection

Our qualified inspectors will assess the condition and performance of your fire doors. Following the inspection you will receive a comprehensive fire door report detailing any compliance issues.

  • Nationwide service carried out by 3rd party certified inspectors
  • Fire door inspection is tailored to your requirements and budget
  • Professional service giving you peace of mind
  • Full report helps you to prioritise any issues that need resolving

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Fire Door Installation

For any fire doors purchased from Safelincs, we can offer a certified installation service carried out be qualified fire door installers. Fire doors should be installed correctly to ensure proper compartmentation.

  • Nationwide service carried out by certified fire door installers
  • Installation for all fire door sets & hardware purchased from Safelincs
  • Complete fire door and frame installation available
  • Experienced and knowledgeable installers

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Fire Door Measuring

When purchasing new or replacement fire doors, it is critical that accurate measurements are taken to ensure compliance with regulations. Our team can measure, specify and quote for the fire doors that you require.

  • Nationwide service carried out by qualified fire door surveyors
  • Ensures measurements for new and replacement fire doors are accurate
  • Suitable for replacing existing doors with or without frames
  • Includes quotation for necessary doors and hardware

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Dorgard Fire Door Retainer Installation

Enquire about our Dorgard Fire Door Retainer installation service. Once installed, the Dorgard provides a legal alternative to holding your fire doors open to provide maximum convenience in high traffic areas.

  • Installation by trained and experienced engineers
  • Peace of mind that your Dorgard installation is compliant
  • A safe and legal solution to holding fire doors open
  • Provides convenience in high-traffic areas of buildings

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5 out of 5 stars

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Free Fire Door Function Checklist – PDF Download

Download and print our free fire door inspection checklist for Responsible Persons.

  • Free downloadable PDF to print
  • Use one checklist per door – print as many times as you like
  • Simple prompts for what to check and advice on what to look for
  • Space for noting action points

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Free Guide to Fire Door Inspections in Residential Buildings - PDF Download

Download and print our free guide on fire door inspections in residential buildings.

  • Free downloadable PDF to print
  • Support for landlords required to comply with current regulations
  • A breakdown of sections for simplicity and quick reference
  • Practical insights and expert recommendations

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Free Guide to Fire Door Inspections for Healthcare Settings - PDF Download

Download and print our free guide on fire door inspections in healthcare settings.

  • Free downloadable PDF to print
  • Support for responsible persons in meeting current regulatory requirements
  • A structured section breakdown for clarity and easy reference
  • Expert recommendations and practical insights

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How Often Should Fire Doors Be Inspected?

How Often Should Fire Doors Be Inspected?

Fire door inspection frequency

BS 9999 states that fire door inspections should be carried out every 6 months. This refers to a more thorough fire door inspection by a competent person. Whilst BS 9999 provides a good benchmark, the frequency of these inspections may need to vary based on other factors. For example, in a new building, more frequent inspections may be required as the doors acclimatise. In a warehouse environment, fire doors may be subject to extreme temperatures and varying moisture levels and so more regular inspections may be required. In high traffic areas or areas where doors are more likely to be vandalised, more regular inspections may be needed and in areas of very little traffic, less frequent inspections may be required.

Taking a 'risk-based' approach helps to ensure that critical doors are prioritised. When doors that are likely to be in use more, are more likely to be vandalised or are high priority in terms of protecting life are inspected more regularly, this ensures any critical issues are quickly identified and attended to quickly.

Safelincs’ accredited fire door inspectors will carry out an inspection at your site anywhere in the UK. Our team will work with you to establish the best type of inspection for your premises. Following the fire door inspection you will receive a full report, detailing the priority of follow-up work (if any).

Fire door check frequency

Fire door checks should be carried out more regularly than inspections. This can be done by the Responsible Person or another nominated person who has received training on what to check for. In accordance with the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022, in residential buildings over 11m, fire door checks should be carried out quarterly on all communal fire doors and annually on flat entrance doors.

Regular checks can be carried out using our free fire door checklist and more information on maintenance checks can be found in our help guide on fire door maintenance.

Are Fire Door Inspections a Legal Requirement?

Are Fire Door Inspections a Legal Requirement?

As fire doors are a critical part of any building’s passive fire protection, it is a legal requirement to maintain them in good working order as set out in the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and the Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022. The only way to ensure fire doors are maintained in line with current fire door regulations is to undertake regular inspections. These inspections should be documented and should include information on any actions taken as a result of issues being found. Responsible Persons can carry out their own regular checks on fire doors but a periodic inspection by a professional inspector is advisable.

How Much Do Fire Door Inspections Cost?

How Much Do Fire Door Inspections Cost?

The price of a fire door inspection is based on the number of doors that need inspecting and the level of service required. Safelincs can offer a number of different levels of inspection depending on the requirements of the customer. Our fire door inspection service can be tailored to meet the needs of your environment and the detail you require from the survey. Contact our fire door team on 01507 464185 or email to discuss your requirements.


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