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Fire Extinguishers & Equipment FAQs

When ordering fire extinguishers for a business, do you have to have on-site certification or installation?

Although it is not compulsory, we advise having on-site certification and installation when buying fire extinguishers for your business.

The Regulatory Reform Order (Fire Safety) 2005 states that you should provide suitable firefighting equipment, but no specific guidance is stated on what you need. Instead, it refers you to relevant guidance such as the British Standard BS 5306-8, which gives information on how to work out your premises' extinguisher provision and states that extinguishers should be commissioned. "Commissioning" is the common term for having a qualified service engineer attend your site to install the extinguishers, ensure they are all suitable and in working order, and provide certification to demonstrate that you have met the accepted standards.

Because this British Standard is not a law, you won’t get into trouble for not following the guidance; as long as there are no incidents. If, however, there is a fire and someone is injured, the Fire Investigation Officer (FIO) will check whether you followed the guidance in relation to your fire safety. If you didn’t the FIO will want to know why and potentially prosecute you for negligence.

Having your extinguishers commissioned by a BAFE registered engineer will ensure that you have the correct type and number of fire extinguihsers in the right place and they are in full-working order. 

View all fire extinguishers & equipment FAQs


Reviewed: 01/02/2023 (doc:535 V1.0). Our articles are reviewed regularly. However, any changes made to standards or legislation following the review date will not have been considered. Please note that we provide abridged, easy-to-understand guidance. To make detailed decisions about your fire safety provisions, you might require further advice or need to consult the full standards and legislation.


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