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Mains Radio-Interlinked Heat Alarm with Sealed Longlife Back-up Battery - FireAngel Pro WHT-230

Discontinued Product

This product has been discontinued.

alternative product

10 Year Radio-Interlinked Smoke Alarm - FireAngel FP2620W2-R

  • Battery: Built-in, lasts the lifetime of your alarm
  • Warranty: 5 year warranty
  • Can interlink with up to 50 Wi-Safe 2 compatible devices
  • Features a central button for test, hush and locate
  • Range of up to 35m in buildings
  • Suitable for BS 5839-6: 2019 Grade F1 installations
  • Kitemarked to EN 14604: 2005
  • Also suitable for the 2022 Scottish legislation

£63.59 inc VAT

£52.99 ex VAT

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Product Overview

With built-in radio-frequency technology and lifetime back-up battery, the FireAngel Pro WHT-230 mains powered heat alarm can be wirelessly interlinked with up to 50 radio-interlinked alarms within a single system. Designed for areas where a standard smoke alarm would be unsuitable, e.g. kitchens and garages, the WHT-230 heat alarm monitors increase in room temperature.

  • Power: 230V mains powered with back-up battery
  • Backup: Lithium battery lasts the lifetime of your alarm
  • Warranty: 1 year warranty
  • Radio-interlinked heat alarm
  • CE marked and Kitemarked to BS 5446-2
  • Built-in radio-frequency technology
  • A maximum of 50 FireAngel Pro WST230 series alarms can be wirelessly interlinked
  • Radio-frequency range: 200m in free space, up to 35m in buildings
  • Detects rate of increase in room temperature
  • Installed where standard smoke alarms would be unsuitable e.g. kitchen, garage, etc.
  • Test, hush and Sleep Easy™ function
  • Locate function: allows you to find the alarm that activated the system
  • Suitable for installations complying to BS 5839-6: 2019 Grade D1
  • An interlinked system provides the earliest possible warning of fire
  • Supplied with fixings; 2 x screws and 2 x rawl plugs
  • This alarm is also suitable for the updated 2022 Scottish legislation for fire alarms in homes

In a wireless-only system the maximum number of compatible units that can interlink is 50, while a hard-wired-only system is limited to 30 units. In a mixed hard-wired and wireless alarm system these maximum quantities can be exceeded.

For each "group" of hard-wired alarms in a system, only one should be a wireless model. For example, in a 3 storey house you could hard-wire 2x ST-230 and 1x WST-230 alarms together on each floor with all of the WST-230 models wirelessly interlinked to each other. This can technically be done to a maximum of 50 groups of 30 alarms, though FireAngel has not designed, optimised, or tested these alarms for such a large system. Having so many alarms interlinked would create large communication delays between the alarms, potentially resulting in occupants not being given adequate warning of a fire. It is heavily recommended that customers desiring a large amount of alarms for a single property instead look into full Fire Alarm Systems which are designed for larger premises.

The tables below show all the units that can interlink with the FireAngel Pro Wi-Safe 2 alarms.

Alarms from the Same Series

Model Number Type of unit Type of interlink
WST-230 Mains Powered Optical Smoke Alarm Radio-interlinked or Hard-wire interlink
WHT-230 Mains Powered Heat Alarm Radio-interlinked or Hard-wire interlink
ST-230 Mains Powered Optical Smoke Alarm Hard-wire interlink
HT-230 Mains Powered Heat Alarm Hard-wire interlink

Compatible Alarms

Model Number
Type of unit
Type of interlink
WST637 Optical Smoke Alarm Radio-interlinked
WHT637 Heat Alarm Radio-interlinked

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Model Number
Type of unit
Type of interlink
W7-CO-10X Carbon Monoxide Alarm Radio-interlinked

Ancillary Products

Model Number
Type of unit
Type of interlink
W2-SVP-630 Wireless Strobe and Vibrating Pad Radio-interlinked
W2-LFS-630 Wireless Low Frequency Sounder Radio-interlinked
Technical Data
Product Code FAWHT230
Alternative Product Codes WHT230, WHT-230
Brand FireAngel
Back-Up Battery

Self-Charging Lithium Battery

Dimensions (HxDia)


Operating Temperature

-10°C to +45°C

Relative Humidity

Up to 90%

Sound Output



1 Years

Weight 0.28kg
Product Datasheets
FAQs (7)
Q. I want to install an interlinked smoke alarm system throughout my home, but what type of smoke alarms do I need in different rooms?

We recommend a heat alarm in the kitchen, optical alarms in living rooms and hallway and ionisation alarms on landings.

Q. Can a smoke alarm be fitted with a sticky adhesive pad in a let property?

The sticky pad is suitable for all battery operated smoke alarms. However, we cannot judge if battery alarms are suitable for your let property, as let properties usually require mains powered alarms. There is some advice to this in the governments guides to fire risk assessments. Also see the LACoRS guide for let properties.

Q. Do I need to take out all the batteries in my radio-interlinked alarms before adding a new alarm into the system?

No, you do not need to remove all the batteries. Just simply press the house code button on all the units. Please ensure that the batteries have full power as this could render the house code process incomplete.

Q. is there a different alarm sound for optical and heat sensors to tell you the difference in what kind of fire it is?

There is only one alarm sound type when a fire is detected, when interconnected all smoke and heat alarms will sound. However only the triggered alarm will have a rapidly flashing red indicator.

Q. If the radio interlinking signal on one unit fails will the units still work as stand alone units.

Yes, should the radio interlinking signal fail the units will continue to sound independently should they detect a fire.

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Key Product Features

Test and hush button built in to thermistor cover

Break-out tab for seamless trunk wiring

3 colour LEDs tell you its status at a glance

Screws and rawl plugs for installation are included

What's Included?

Every FireAngel FAWHT230 is supplied with the following components.

  • 1 x FireAngel WHT-230 wireless heat alarm
  • 1 x Sealed self-charging lithium battery
  • 2 x Screws & rawl plugs
  • 1 x Instruction manual

Customer Reviews

1 customer has given this product an overall rating of 5 out of 5

Reviews by real customers

All of our product reviews are written by real customers that have purchased this product from us and are published without modification.

Rating: 5 / 5 Stars

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Published on: 14th September 2017

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