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230V Remote Control Switch with Test & Hush - Kidde REMTH

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Remotes, Testers, Cleaners

A range of  remote controls and simple and easy to use test sprays as well as cleaning products for your smoke alarms.
Product Overview

This mains powered Kidde remote test and hush switch (REMTH) allows you to control wired Kidde Slick and Firex smoke alarms from a central location. The remote control eliminates the need for climbing ladders to silence or test your units.

  • 230V mains powered unit
  • Suitable for use with Kidde Slick and Kidde Firex models
  • Suitable for fitting on table tops or walls
  • CE Marked
  • BS 5839 Part 6 Grade D accessory (to be used with smoke and heat alarms with the appropriate bases). Provides an element of some central control as Grade C.
  • Turning on the "Test" switch will activate all interlinked Smoke and Heat Alarms
  • Turning off the "Test" switch will reset all of the interlinked Smoke and Heat Alarms
  • Makes weekly testing quicker and easier
  • The "Hush" function will send all interlinked Smoke and Heat Alarms into a state of reduced sensitivity for a period of about 10 minutes and will then automatically reset
  • LED indicates transmission status
  • Mounting base provided with fittings
  • 5 year manufacturer's guarantee

The table below shows all the units that can interlink with the Kidde REMTH.

Alarms from the Kidde Slick series
Model Number
Type of unit
Type of interlink
KE1SFW Ionisation Alarm with Alkaline Battery Wired interlink
KE1SFLLW Ionisation Alarm with 10 Year Lithium Cell Wired interlink
KE2SFW Optical Alarm with Alkaline Battery Wired interlink
KE2SFLLW Optical Alarm with 10 Year Lithium Cell Wired interlink
KE3SFW Heat Alarm with Alkaline Battery Wired interlink
KE3SFLLW Heat Alarm with 10 Year Lithium Cell Wired interlink
Alarms from the Kidde Firex series
Model Number
Type of unit
Type of interlink
KEKF10 Ionisation Alarm with Alkaline Battery Wired interlink
KEKF10R Ionisation Alarm with 10 Year Lithium Cell Wired interlink
KEKF20 Optical Alarm with Alkaline Battery Wired interlink
KEKF20R Optical Alarm with 10 Year Lithium Cell Wired interlink
KEKF30 Heat Alarm with Alkaline Battery Wired interlink
KEKF30R Heat Alarm with 10 Year Lithium Cell Wired interlink
Technical Data
Product Code KEREMTH
Alternative Product Codes REMTH
Brand Kidde
Dimensions (HxWxD)


Operating Temperature

0 to 40°C

Power Type

230V Mains Powered

Relative Humidity

Up to 93% Relative Humidity

Weight 0.25kg

Customer Reviews

1 customer has given this product an overall rating of 1 out of 5

Reviews by real customers

All of our product reviews are written by real customers that have purchased this product from us and are published without modification.

Rating: 1 / 5 Stars

Reviewed by:

flimsy electrical connection points The three screw in connection points are pin soldered to the circuit board. Unless you connected very carefully the act of pushing the front into the patress will rip the connection off the circuit board

Published on: 26th November 2015

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