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Smoke, Fire & Gas Detection FAQs

Are Carbon Monoxide Detectors Required for Rented Properties in Northern Ireland?

Yes, landlords are required to provide CO alarms for their tenants.

Section 8 of The Private Tenancies Act (Northern Ireland) 2022 requires landlords to provide and keep in proper working order 'sufficient appliances' for detecting and giving warning about dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. The original legislation does not specify the power type, quantity, or positioning of alarms, so new legislation effective from September 2024, The Smoke, Heat and Carbon Monoxide Alarms for Private Tenancies Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2024, is being introduced to clarify these aspects. For carbon monoxide requirements in rented properties, the law now specifies that a carbon monoxide alarm should be mains powered (not plugged in) OR powered by sealed batteries that last the full sensor lifespan. The alarms should be fitted in every room which contains a fixed combustion appliance or flue, excluding cooking appliances.

Please see our page on carbon monoxide alarm legislation for more specific guidance or view our range of carbon monoxide alarms.

View all smoke, fire & gas detection FAQs


Reviewed: 14/09/2023 (doc:536 V1.0). Our articles are reviewed regularly. However, any changes made to standards or legislation following the review date will not have been considered. Please note that we provide abridged, easy-to-understand guidance. To make detailed decisions about your fire safety provisions, you might require further advice or need to consult the full standards and legislation.


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