Array ( [name] => customer_comments [title] => What our customers say about us [content] =>

What our customers say about us

query("SELECT customersurvey_whatbetter, customersurvey_datereplied, CASE WHEN customersurvey_hidereplyonwebsite = 0 THEN customersurvey_replyToCustomer END AS customersurvey_replyToCustomer FROM customersurvey WHERE customersurvey_showonwebsite = 1 AND customersurvey_whatbetter IS NOT NULL ORDER BY customersurvey_datereplied DESC LIMIT 100"); $rsSurvey = $dbA->query("SELECT customersurvey_overallComments, customersurvey_datereplied, customersurvey_overallRating, customersurvey_replyToCustomer FROM customersurvey WHERE customersurvey_overallRating != '' AND customersurvey_overallComments != '' AND customersurvey_showonwebsite = 1 ORDER BY customersurvey_datereplied DESC LIMIT 100"); while ($survey = $dbA->fetch($rsSurvey)) { ?>

= 0.5) ? 1 : 0; $emptyStars = $fullRating - $wholeStars - $halfStars; for($x=0; $x<$wholeStars; $x++) { echo '
'; } if($halfStars === 1) { echo '
'; } for($x=0; $x<$emptyStars; $x++) { echo '
'; } ?>

We replied:

[showInJargonBuster] => N [jargonBuster] => [metaDescription] => Comments made by Safelincs customers regarding anything that we could do better [metaKeywords] => customer, comments, opinion, say [CSS] => [TopBar] => [snippetType] => 0 )